Georgia Rose

Sex Coach, Georgia Rose

I believe that the way we think about sex, talk about sex, are taught about sex and consequently have sex leaves much to be desired, especially amongst womxn. I launched G's Spot because I wanted to do something to change that.


We collaborated with Georgia on ‘Period Sex’, a Ferly Food For Thought. Listen to it on the App.


Georgia is a Clinical Sexologist and Sex Coach in training. She’s the Founder of the G's Spot platform and a female sexual pleasure advocate.

is G’s Spot?

G's Spot is a platform that encourages honest, informative, mind-expanding, shame-free conversations about sex, with a core focus on female pleasure and the female sexual experience. 

What have been some of your career highlights?

I launched G's Spot with a season called 'WTF IS GOING ON' which canvasses the current sexual landscape for womxn – from why so many womxn fake orgasms to how we can break the stigma surrounding female sexuality. It’s based on first-hand research that I carried out two years ago via interviews, focus groups and a 500+ womxn survey. Researching this field of work has always fascinated me – I have a Master's degree specialising in the history of sex, sexuality and gender. 

Where do you want to take your work in the sex space?

I am training to become a clinical sexologist and sex coach so that I can become a 'sexpert' who can professionally empower people to resolve their sexual concerns and ultimately, reach their goals around sex. 

What are some myths around sex that you’d li
ke to bust?

There are two sex myths that I’d like to bust: 

  1. ‘Proper sex’ does not have to be goal-orientated and involve penetration.

  2. Womxn are NOT less orgasmic or less sexual than men - rather the ‘sex script’ we have inherited doesn’t prioritise female pleasure and sensuality.

How do we get in touch with you?

Instagram: georgias_spot

Twitter: @georgias_spot
